تنها موسيقی است که می ماند

گر هنوز متوجه نشده اید به خاطر آن پانصد نفری که هر روز يک کليکی اینجا می زنند گفته باشم که بنده فعلاً افسرده ام به دلايل خرده بورژايی.
امشب يک برنامه خوب در تورونتو هست که اگر برويد دو هنرمند بسيار خلاق را حمايت خواهيد کرد:
يکی رها جوانفر است که که می توانيد به موسيقی اش اینجا گوش دهيد.
يکی مانلی جمال است که قبلاً معرفی اش کرده بودم و این هم وب سايتش
آن يکی هم را هم من نمی شناسم.

"SAT. AUGUST 4 @ RIVOLI - TORONTO - 9:00PM doors open - $5"

The Rivoli
334 Queen St. W.


Toronto-based singer/songwriter Raha debuted as an up-and-coming artist last summer, and has since released a 5-song EP and played her music at venues around town such as Tranzac Club, the Cameron House, The Savannah Room, Free Times Cafe, O'Grady's, Cafe Concord, and Clinton's Tavern. She has also toured to Fort Erie, Peterborough and Oshawa.

Her solo act consists of a piano, a violin, vocals, and looping pedals. her songs are layered in instrumental and vocal harmonies, all performed live. Her unique sound coupled with her stage presence make for a refreshing show.

On Saturday, August 4th, raha will be playing as part of a night of music presented by not in london Productions ( www.notinlondonproductions.com) along with Battle Creek, the Anti-Q's, and Maneli Jamal. Please see below for further details:

the RIVOLI (334 Queen Street West)
9 pm.

Meanwhile, you can listen to raha's music on http://www.myspace.com/rahamusic.

Maneli Jamal - http://www.myspace.com/maneli
Battle Creek -
the anti-Q's - http://www.myspace.com/theantiqs