Blown out of proportion

By Choob-e Dosar Gohi:

يکی از بهترين مقاله هايی که تا الان در مورد این قضيه همجنسگرايان و سخنرانی احمدی نژاد نوشته شده است. فقط کاش این را يکی به فارسی هم ترجمه کند. بروبکس مجله چراغ¿

As a queer woman who is aware of the violences of religious fundamentalism (including but not limited to Islamic fundamentalism) on queer bodies, I did not expect Ahmadinejad to pretend that he was a gay rights advocate; the same way that I do not expect Christian fundamentalists such as Bush and Cheney to defend gay rights in the US (and they do a good job denying any rights to queers in the US!). As a matter of fact, when Bollinger mentioned the violation of gay rights in Iran, I was thinking: “kal agar tabeeb boodi sar-e khod davaa nemoodi!